PrePaid Funerals

A funeral serves as an opportunity to reflect on the cherished moments spent with your dear ones.

Preparing for your funeral in advance not only eases the emotional burden on your loved ones, but also relieves them of the financial responsibility. By taking this proactive step, you ensure that, when the time eventually arrives, your friends and family can focus solely on remembering you.

Moreover, planning your funeral in advance is a constructive and financially wise method of organising your affairs.

  Prepaid Funeral Funeral Insurance
Cost of the Funeral A prepaid funeral covers the cost of the funeral regardless of the date of death. Funeral Insurance payments are higher the older you are and the premiums often exceed the benefit you receive.
Annual Inflation Prepaid funerals offer protection from escalating annual costs by locking in today’s prices. The benefit amount for your funeral is selected by you and may or may not be sufficient to cover the future funeral costs.
Freedom of Choice When organising a prepaid funeral,
you choose the funeral you want by making selections that suit the style of service you prefer.
Your family will be the ones making all the decisions regarding the funeral arrangements as no instructions are recorded with funeral insurance.
Payment Options Prepaid funerals are able to be paid upfront or in installments. Once the account has been paid there are no ongoing fees. If payments cease or are not kept up to date, no benefit is able to be received, even if you have been making payments for a long period of time.
Centrelink & Other Benefits A prepaid funeral is exempt from the Centrelink assets test. This may help
you to qualify for Aged Pension or a
Part Pension.
Funeral Insurance is not exempt and does not affect social security or
pension benefits.

We’re here to help


Yes. All monies are invested through Australian Funeral Plan, a registered funeral fund that operates Australia wide. It is regulated by the NSW State Government through compulsory annual returns and audited annual financial reports. Investments are made only within a conservative framework, including a large portion of monies being held in fixed term deposits.

Individual reasons for preplanning a funeral will vary from family to family.
Some of the main reasons we have heard over the years are as follows:​
  • I want my personal wishes to be recorded and known to my family.
  • I do not want my family burdened with difficult decisions at a very difficult time. I do not want my children burdened with the need to find funds for my funeral when the time comes.
  • ​My family live many hours drive away and none live locally. I want the assurance that I have arranged everything so that all they need to do is ring the funeral director and the funeral director will arrange things accordingly.
  • I have no immediate family. I want to ensure that my executor is aware of my wishes I have recently been diagnosed with a terminal condition. I want to ensure all my wishes are noted and to help my family focus on the now, not the then.
  • ​I have been advised by my financial advisor that I may be entitled to increased pension benefits by taking out a prepaid funeral policy.
  • ​My family members are estranged. I need to plan my funeral and make my wishes known because I cannot rely on those who need to arrange the funeral at the time.
  • I want to pay for the funeral at todays prices knowing that the price of my funeral is fixed. I have placed my parent in the care of a nursing home. They advised that I should make funeral arrangements as they are unable to keep her body for any length of time when the death occurs.​
  • I spend some time overseas on business and vacation each year.
  • I want to ensure my parents have plans in place if I am unable to return quickly.
Prearranged Funerals
A prearranged funeral enables your wishes to be recorded and contained within your personal files or kept on file at TJ Andrews for when our services are required. The prearranged funeral concept enables any member of the public to arrange their funeral at no initial upfront cost. The funeral is paid for at the time it is required and importantly there is no obligation, no commitment, nothing that is required to be signed and no payment required.
  • Your wishes are recorded and can be made known to your family.
  • No payment is required until the funeral is required.
  • No commitment and no obligation on the family.
  • No paperwork requires signing.
  • A prearranged funeral certificate will be supplied for you to supply to your family members.
  • When the death occurs one phone call from family is all that is required to commence proceedings as per your wishes.
  • This funeral can be arranged by yourself or with the assistance of one of our staff who can meet with you in our office or in the comfort of your own home.
  • No matter your financial circumstances, this option is available to all now.
  • Your wishes are recorded and can be made known to your family.
  • The funeral cost is fixed at today’s prices.
  • All monies paid are safe and secure in the event of the sale of the business or the business becoming insolvent.
  • A prepaid funeral certificate will be supplied for you to provide copies to family members, executors, etc.
  • When the death occurs one phone call from your family is all that is required to commence proceedings as per your wishes.
  • You can be assured when dealing with one of Sydney’s longest established family owned funeral directors.
  • Relieves surviving family members from the financial burdens of paying for a funeral service.
  • Your prepaid funeral will be exempt from both the income and assets tests applied by Centrelink and the DVA. If you die whilst in Australia or its territories, your body will be repatriated to Sydney for your funeral service.
  • Can be paid in one lump sum or in monthly instalments after an initial deposit.
Have you ever thought about what might happen to your family or loved ones when you die? Do they know your wishes? Do they have the funds to ensure the financial burden of your funeral is easily dealt with?
  • Just like making a Will, prepaying your funeral helps your family know exactly what you want in the event of your death and relieves them of the worry of these decisions and the financial burden they would otherwise be responsible for.
  • As an Australian owned business, T J Andrews is one of Sydney’s most trusted Funeral Directors, having served families since 1895. We understand that not all families can afford thousands of dollars up front for a service that meets the wishes of all concerned. That’s why we have developed our Prepaid Funeral Plan – it’s the fixed price funeral plan that can be customised to meet your financial needs as well as relieving your family from the worry of planning for your funeral.
How does the Prepaid Plan work?
We understand that many people don’t think ahead as to what might happen
when they die. We have therefore made this process simple for both you and your family. Briefly, you decide exactly what type of service you would like and advise
one of our staff of your wishes. Don’t worry, we can guide you through the process
step-by-step. From there, we will show you an itemised cost for the funeral of your choice and once you are happy with this, we can design an easy payment plan that suits your budget and needs.
  • Your wishes are recorded and can be made known to your family.
  • The funeral cost is fixed at today’s prices.
  • All monies paid are safe and secure in the event of the sale of the business
  • or the business becoming insolvent.
  • A prepaid funeral certificate will be supplied for you to provide copies to
  • family members, executors, etc.
  • When the death occurs one phone call from your family is all that is required
  • to commence proceedings as per your wishes.
  • You can be assured when dealing with one of Sydney’s longest established
  • family owned funeral directors.
  • Relieves surviving family members from the financial burdens of paying for a funeral service.
  • Your prepaid funeral will be exempt from both the income and assets tests
  • applied by Centrelink and the DVA. If you die whilst in Australia or its territories, your body will be repatriated to Sydney for your funeral service.
  • Can be paid in one lump sum or in monthly instalments after an initial deposit.